Creative Content Producer and Styling
Creative Content Producer and Styling

Final Major Project
Physikal is a London based agency and community for fashion design students and graduates that specialize in events and activations, social media strategy, and content creation. We aim to bring a designer's complete vision of their collection into the physical world.
D&AD Burger King Competetion 2020

Competition 2020
Competition 2020

For the D&AD Burger King 2020 Competition, I decided to make an app-wide competition for Londoner's and an advert to launch this special campaign.

For the New Blood, Martini Competition 2020 I decided to a temporary rebrand of the company moto as well as a commercial for the campaign highlighting the Fiero and Tonic.

For the Young Ones, Vans Competition 2020, I decided to launch a competetions for win the chance of a year's worth of Pro-Skate Classics by following a treasure hunt around London.